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For high catches in the outfield, should fielders hands and fingers be pointing upwards to the sky or be pointing downwards towards the ground?

last year


I think there's less risk catching high balls with fingers pointing upwards as your eyes are always on the ball and you could get a second chance if you don't take it cleanly the first time

There is no ‘correct’ technique in cricket. There are only fundamentals.

Fundamentals for high catching:

1. Quick to get balanced underneath the ball. Will aid in tracking the pace and direction of the ball.
2. High hands before taking the catch. See hands in the visual field, while focused on the ball.
3. Take the catch. ie hold on to the ball. Doesn’t need the big pull away for soft hands. Takes practise to get used to feeling of the ball hitting the hands.

The two methods will work to different trajectories, angles, where the ball is in relation to the body and pace on the ball.

Let cricketers experiment and get confident with both.

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