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Paul Mulvany voted in as Roseville District Cricket Clubs 32nd Life Member
This evening at our Annual General Meeting, Paul Mulvany was nominated and unanimously voted in as Roseville District Cricket Clubs 32nd Life Member.
Starting his career at Roseville in 1998/99, Paul had amassed over 5000 runs including 3 centuries for the club currently sitting as the club’s 13th overall highest run scorer.
With just over 350 dismissals to his name Paul leads the club for all time dismissals by a wicket keeper, surpassing club legends such as Evans and Ireland a few seasons ago.
A few years ago, Paul was named in Roseville District Cricket Clubs Team of the Century at our Centenary Dinner.
With over 250 games played for the club, Paul is still an active player and is currently the captain of our Classics Over 50s side, whilst also filling in regularly as our 1st Grade Wicket Keeper.
Paul has sat out on the management committee on several occasions and has been on the executive as Chairman of Selectors.
Paul’s outstanding service to the club both in and off the field makes him a very well deserving recipient of this honour joining a list of 31 club greats to have put on the baggy blue and white to play for Roseville Cricket Club.
Please join us in congratulating Paul on this amazing achievement.
Picture: Paul Mulvany (pictured 2nd from the right) 32nd Life Member of Roseville District Cricket Club, with Life Member Gordon Conolly (left), President Mitch De Lorenzo (2nd from left) and Life Member Ian Thomson, at this evenings Annual General Meeting where Paul was voted in.

10 months ago

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