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Penrith Cricket Club 4th Grade Premiers 1984/85

Back Row – Brett Howarth, Steve Richardson, Tony Dukes, John Saint, Darren Morris

Front Row – Chris Harper, Paul Thompson, Jon Llewelyn, Stuart Hogan, Mark Freeman, Andrew Williams

The Final was against Northern District, who had upset the Minor Premiers Wests in the other Semi-final. We therefore went in as No.1 team, handy in case of rain. The venue was Mosman’s ground, Rawson Oval. Jon Llewelyn remembers the Final as a real ‘heart stopper’. Penrith won the toss and fielded because there was some dew on an otherwise perfect batting pitch. It was a good call, for a while. “At 6/71 we could have been forgiven for feeling a bit cocky,” said Jon, who had most of the wickets. But, the tail wagged and they finished with 210. Bowling: Llewelyn 4/58, Mark Butler 2/36 and John Saint 2/66. Penrith at stumps were one run, none out. The hunt for the Cup resumed on Sunday morning, Jason Penrose and Tony Dukes at the crease, and, they were travelling smoothly until Tony nicked one; 1/34. Soon it was 2/49 and when Penrose, “poised and confident”, went for a well compiled 50, caught behind, we were 3/82


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