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North Hobart Cricket Club - 1997- 98 Kookaburra Cup State Limited Overs Premiers

Back Row - Mathew Davis, Andrew Saballus, Damian Mizzen, Troy Cooley, Lyndon Beard, Stuart Coburn, Stuart Alexander, Paul Collins.

Front Row - Dan Marsh, Todd Pinnington, Myles Harry (Captain), Tony Judd.

North Hobart won the toss and batted and scored 7 for 192. In reply Launceston was bowled out for 190.

The photo was taken at a small convict tourist village called Richmond at a local place who did photography in convict style.

Match scorecard - https://www.cricconnect.com/profile/710/north-hobart-cricket-club/blog/653/north-hobart-cricket-club-1997-98-kookaburra-cup-state-limited-overs-premiers

2 weeks ago

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