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  • The place for cricket fans

When Charlie Crispo and Allen Cooper walked onto Hurstville Oval on 27 September 1919, the warm greeting they received from the crowd was not simply for the beginning of a cricket match. The “Diggers”, led by Wally Louden, were an XI made up of members and ex-members of the St George DCC who had been on active service during the First World War. At 4pm, play was adjourned for the unveiling of the St George DCC roll of honour. The roll contained the names of members of the club who had served their country in the terrible conflict. Not all of them had returned home. The honour roll has since been lost, however, efforts are now being made by the club to produce an honour roll to commemorate the service of these men, as well as those who served in other conflicts whilst playing with the club.


2 weeks ago

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