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The following were my guiding principles as a wicket keeper

1. The nuts and bolts - footwork and hands. Hard work to develop technique and fitness that will stand up under pressure and tiredness both up to the stumps and back.
2. Run the fielding standard, set the example, and expect standards from the team.
3. Be the captain’s and bowler’s aid - field setting, bowling changes, ideas, advice.
4. Be a good team man and always be involved in the group activities.
5. Work harder than everyone else. Only one of you so the position deserves respect if you want to keep it.

12 months ago


So good, the blue print for all keepers especially youngsters. Thanks for sharing Phil

The three aspects I always thought formed part of the keepers role were:

1. Being a team player
2. Elite Athlete
3. Motivator

11 months ago

The stumping Healy made off Bevan I think from memory was amazing .
A full toss on leg stump, Butcher I think was the “ Batsman” missed it the rest is History!🏏

read, relax, then reflect.
keeping well is probably the most difficult aspect of our game and Phil was one of the best.

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