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Back in the early 80s John Benaud returned to Cumberland as First Grade Captain after stints at Randwick and Penrith.

During a preseason training session, we were having slip catching practice. We were standing in an arc about 15 metres from JB who was smashing catches to us. He mishit one and I ran in to pick up the ball and lob it back to him from about 6 metres away. To my great surprise, he smashed the ball hard straight at me. I instantly saw red as I caught the ball and threw it hard straight back at him, yelling "What are you trying to do, kill me?".

JB just played the ball with a straight bat and said "You will field in the gully."

4 months ago


Hi mate, I think it’s what works for you.
Catching is as much about belief as technique, whether you think you’ll catch it or you think you won’t ……. Your right!

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