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I was fortunate to play under some terrific captains at representative and grade level, including Steve Waugh, Greg Dyer, Geoff Lawson, Phil Emery, Michael Cant, Darren Tucker, Marty Haywood, and others. Great as they were, however, there was none was better than Steve Day, at Gordon District Cricket Club.

Steve was a magnificent captain, and a great bloke. By the time he joined us in 1985, he had already successfully captained the NSW U19s and Northern Districts 2nd Grade (where, as a 21-year-old, he led a side with much older players to a Premiership).

Steve read the game superbly, was calm under pressure, tactically excellent, decisive, and – above all – understood and related to EVERY one of his players, both on and off the field.


4 months ago

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