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When management decided in 1988/89 to create, and financially back, a Development Squad for local Junior players aged up to 15, it would train on Tuesday afternoons from May through to August at the St Marys Indoor Cricket Centre. In March, about 30 youngster’s trialled and a squad of 17 was chosen. Head coaches were John Rennie and John Benaud, assisted by other senior players. The immediate aim was to strengthen the AW Green Shield, but long term to unearth players with First-class potential. In other words, a cricket production line.

A stand-out feature of the Development Squad was its balance, which was based around the ‘mix’ of an Ashes Squad. John Benaud had recently been involved in the 1989 Ashes selection and he and John Rennie agreed it was worth trying—a mix of seven bowlers, pace and spin, a minimum of three batsmen with potential to open, five other batsmen, and two keepers. There had to be at least one wrist-spinner in the mix, and all-round potential was encouraged. The coaches also had regard for age; some of the boys were as young as 12, but it was felt they were physically and mentally strong enough to cope against the older boys. The first squad was: Jason Benton, Garry Sheen, Todd Marshall, Russell Holley, Geoff Sullivan, Jason Bishop, Ben Rennie, Scott Roseby, Daniel Abercrombie, Ken Thomas, Brian Starkey, Murray Rayner, Brett Leathen, Brad Astill, Michael Nicholls, Adam Bowyer, Caine Bracken.


6 months ago

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