• The place for cricket fans to connect, learn, and share their knowledge of the game
  • The place for cricket fans

Since B3 started in 2012 our USP has been: 'Every customer gets the Pro Service!'

That isn't idle marketing spiel, it’s fact!

Every customer can specify their perfect shape, size, weight, grade, handle and stickers.

Your bat will be made in our Nottingham factory, from genuine English willow, and then delivered anywhere in the world within a week or so.

What's more, if you’re not completely happy, we will make you a new one or give you your money back.

We are now taking applications for our 2024 Brand Ambassadors.

Not only is this open to up-and-coming young players, but also to adult players and coaches who can help us spread the word about B3 Cricket in their local cricket networks.

In return, you will get the very best bats and kit at preferential prices and rewards for introducing new players to our growing brand.

Interested? Email me - mic**@****3cricket.com

Yours in Cricket

Michael Blatherwick

6 months ago

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