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I see batters using the squirrel grip on their bats in NSW Premier Cricket. Is someone able to help me understand what the benefit is?

8 months ago


Hi Mark

I was intrigued by your question as I too would like to know more about the squirrel grip.

I reached out to one of the players I know who uses it in NSW premier Cricket and this was their feedback.

Hey mate,

Everyone would have a slightly different reason for the squirrel.

My initial reason was to close my face slightly as a left hander, I had a very open blade and at the time wanted to focus on batting long periods.

It is used for my top hand (most use it for bottom hand) I place the V of my top hand on the squirrel and then almost pincer grip my bottom hand.

I have found this gave me better access to hitting the ball straight down the ground.

It is glued on and can be glued on at different positions on the handle, I have mine .5 of an inch off centre to the right.

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